You lie down on your bed to take a nap and instantly fall into a deep sleep.
You dream that you're floating through a bright tropical ocean, and you seem to be able to breathe under water. Fishes of all colors rush tenderly against you. You run your fingers along brightly colored coral reefs and seaweeds. A dolphin appears, greets you and invites you to climb on its back. You ride all through the ocean on the back of the dolphin, and then it sprouts wings and the two of you burst out of the ocean and into the air. You and your dolphin friend visit mountains on every continent. You cruise through a pink and orange sunset. That's when Axis appears, floating in the sky beside you and your dolphin friend. The dolphin starts to follow Axis, and the three of you descend into what seems to be a lush, orange-and-green forest on the northeast coast of the US.
When you wake up, you find yourself in a dim bedroom that you have never seen before. The walls and floors are stone, the furniture is very solid wood, it seems pretty old. You hear interesting music coming from another room. There's another door with a little stained glass window. There seems to be a candle flickering behind that door. Which door do you go through?
the door with the stained glass and the flickering candle
the door that the music seems to be coming from